
March 28, 2012

Facing feelings

Page 90

"We may fear that being in touch with our feelings will trigger an overwhelming chain reaction of pain and panic."

Basic Text, p. 30

While we were using, many of us were unable or unwilling to feel many emotions. If we were happy, we used to make us happier. If we were angry or depressed, we used to mask those feelings. In continuing this pattern throughout our active addiction, we became so emotionally confused that we weren't sure what normal emotions were anymore.

After being in recovery for some time, we find that the emotions we had suppressed suddenly begin to surface. We may find that we do not know how to identify our feelings. What we may be feeling as rage may only be frustration. What we perceive as suicidal depression may simply be sadness. These are the times when we need to seek the assistance of our sponsor or other members of NA. Going to a meeting and talking about what is happening in our lives can help us to face our feelings instead of running from them in fear.

Just for Today: I will not run from the uncomfortable emotions I may experience. I will use the support of my friends in recovery to help me face my emotions.

Copyright (c) 2012, NA World Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fun Foto Friday

     This picture puts the biggest smile on my face!
                       Happy Friday Everyone 

I was going to wait til next week to publish this post but, I'm missing Kin a lot today and I want to let her know how much I love her. 

Ryan (Kindra's main man) came to Kandice's for a bbq last Monday and he brought a disk with all the pictures from the trip he took to visit Kin. It was so amazing to see her and see where she has been living and spending her time. I think I can say without any question that Kin might be the one child in our family that could randomly pack up one day and move to another country without blinking an eye. This is one of the things I admire most about Kindra and I am so happy that she is able to have this experience. She deserves every minute of it. But yes I won't lie, I CANT wait til she gets home. Not having her here while I have been going through this has been very hard for me. Kindra and I have a very unique and special relationship and I cherish it will all my heart.  I love her so so much!!! 

Here are a few of my favorites from the pictures that Ryan shared with us. 

Peacefully drinking a glass of wine....

Kin parasailing...What a daredevil she has become!

Kin's apartment....

Stairs to Kin's apartment....

Kin and Ryan....

My beautiful sister....I miss you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!


KrisFlower said...

I miss Kin too...I love the b&w photo of Kin drinking wine....


The Days said...

Cute pics! Looks like she is having a good time. Can't wait to see her when she gets back.

kindrakendall said...

Katey thank you for making my day! I love and miss you so much! I can't wait to come home and see you and your cute belly...