Lost Lyrics
Just because I'm losing
Doesn't mean I'm lost
Doesn't mean I'll stop
Doesn't mean I will cross
Just because I'm hurting
Doesn't mean I'm hurt
Doesn't mean I didn't get what I deserve
No better and no worse
I just got lost
Every river that I've tried to cross
And every door I ever tried was locked
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the shine wears off...
You might be a big fish
In a little pond
Doesn't mean you've won
'Cause along may come
A bigger one
And you'll be lost
Every river that you tried to cross
Every gun you ever held went off
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the firing starts
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the shine wears off
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the shine wears off
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the shine wears off…
THANK YOU for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for not giving up. I know you feel like I'm lost but, I promise I'm RIGHT HERE and I can't wait for you to see ME again. I love you all more than words could ever express. Thank you!!! I love you all and I PROMISE you are going to see. I promise!

we love you katey and are all cheering you on! you are an amazing, beautiful woman and I know that you are moving on to better days!
i sure love u katey.... hope u doing well!!!!
I'll I can do right now is tell you I love you and I love Lily....
Katie! You are so pretty =)...these big life altering changes that we make, are for the better or we wouldn't have made them in the first place! You are a strong woman =)
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